
DheyTécnica has a technical team with professionals who have the Know-how in the development of projects and solutions for by-product processing and industrial effluent treatment sectors, working with the customer demand characteristics combination, the industry and work forces, aiming to achieve a higher productivity and better benefit cost. Technical team that is constantly searching to develop technical skills, knowledge, practices, technologies and organizational processes that allow constant innovation in technologies and techniques for continuous improvement in the development of products/services.

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Process Consulting

DheyTécnica process consulting provides specialized support to companies that want to optimize their results, perform by a team of experienced professionals, covering all stages of the process, from the project development, manufacturing, installation, set-up and equipment operation start-up. Providing greater security and confidence to our customers.

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We offer to our clients’ intelligent processes, using the best instrumentation and automation technologies. This to allow monitoring of the production process variables, in order to guarantee precise control of operation, energy and maintenance management, generating databases for decision making by crossing volume information of raw material, production volumes, electrical energy and steam consumption, as well as the speeds, pressures, temperatures and flows traceability.

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Industry 4.0

To promote the integrated automation of production processes and to lead our clients in the direction of Industry 4.0, DheyTécnica acts in the continuous improvement of processes and solutions development. We aim to increase productivity and quality by eliminating risks and minimization losses, meaning greater security when performing operations in real time, migration to the virtual world, as well as decentralization of information for better and more agile decision-making, helping to be able to benefit from gains in efficiency, profit and cost reduction.

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