Reception of in-natura products

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Every raw material processing plant has an area called Reception. In this area, the raw material to be processed in the plant is received. The reception of viscera and feathers takes place in reception hoppers; the product is unloaded into them through trucks, pipes or equipment before them, such as sieves, feather presses, and flow scales. The hoppers normally have a rectangular format, with different volumes, with helicoids at the bottom that provide the conduction of the product for the next equipment, and have top covers, which can be: fixed, sliding covers and hydraulic tilting covers.

Liquid products are also received at reception, such as blood, which will be stored in reception tanks. Those tanks that can have different accessories such as agitator, level gauges, and can be manufactured in different volumes and materials.

Applicable for:

Poultry, fish, feathers, blood, cattle and pigs